Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hand Tools vs. Portable CMMs

Hand-held measuring instruments have historically been popular among machinists, QC inspectors, and engineers. These instruments have been around for decades, are familiar to users. And have provided trusted results. However, there are pitfalls inherent with these devices.

For example, calipers – one of the most widely used handheld instruments in use today – exhibit measurement error through a phenomenon known as the AbbĂ© principle. This principle states that unless the measurement object is aligned perfectly along the axis of the calipers, there will be a source of error. Other sources of errors can be the user themselves and environmental factors such as temperature.

Portable CMMs have been developed that address some these issues. As parts and products become more sophisticated, the inherent errors associated with hand tools become increasingly unacceptable. The emergence of portable CMMs that provide higher accuracy, easier reporting, and tracking of results has addressed a need in the marketplace while cutting the recurring costs associated with periodic calibration of hand tools.

Download the entire white paper.

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